Welcome to IMbee Docs

Welcome to IMbee Docs.

About IMbee SDK

IMbee SDK is a set of tools that help you integrate a messaging features in your existing app. We offer two solutions to accomplish this:

  • IMbeeCore: low-level library that makes messaging easy

    • Implements IMbee Messaging Protocol (IMMP), our own protocol.

    • Send and receive messages

    • Manage conversations: add, remove, kick members...

    • Manage user's contacts

    • Transparent local storage and server syncing

    • ...

  • IMbeeCore + IMbeeUI

    • With IMbeeUI you don't need to build and design your own chat window.

Get IMbee SDK

IMbee SDK is available for iOS 9+ and Android 4.1+.

At this moment IMbee SDK is private. If you are interested in our product get in touch with us at IMbee Messenger.

Last updated